Friday, May 28, 2010

21st Century Schizoid Man

Good ass job (via Nah Right).

Lil B Rules, OK?

I don't claim to be an expert on music. I do, however, know what I like and dislike. That said, Lil B might be my favorite (relatively) new rapper. The guy is doing what every serious artist needs to do. He works on his craft on a regular basis and isn't afraid to share his work with the public.

What I don't get is why some writers who profess to enjoy "real" hip-hop are hating on him. In an era where some rappers are still under the mistaken assumption that music is one big cash grab and that they can still get away with clichéd bullshit, B is really refreshing. Sure, he has songs about hoes; but he also has music that sounds like a collaboration between Ariel Pink and Sensational. For that alone, he's okay in my book.

End of rant. Here's a photo of two nice looking girls enjoying a tender moment.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

This Is Me Saying "Hello."

Hi, my name is Sean. I'm a pretty normal guy. I like sports, music, and girls. I also find myself in a state of moral outrage most of the time. Maybe I'm more sensitive than I'd care to admit. Maybe it's because I live in a fallen world. Maybe it's because I work in advertising and I get the chance to work with idiots and sociopaths on a daily basis. I don't know. This is my blog.